
Operator of the website

Matthias Kupperschmidt
Frederikssundsvej 22
2400 Copenhagen

Telefone: +45 93 86 85 64

Tax identification number: 39474263

This site is copyright of Matthias Kupperschmidt.

I regularly review the information on this website. Despite all care, the data may have changed in the meantime. A liability or guarantee for the topicality, correctness and completeness of the information can therefore not be accepted. The same applies to websites that are referred to via hyperlinks. Matthias Kupperschmidt is not responsible for the content of the websites that are reached as a result of such a connection. Reproduction of information or data – especially the use of texts, parts of texts or images – requires the prior consent. This also applies to all blog entries. I point out that I store all data entered into the search mask and do not use this data for own advertisement, nor pass it on to third parties.

Further information can be found on my privacy policy.